Abstract 2oo5 official results

15 sec music

Entry pointnameauthorpoints
6 Streets of Warsaw Czarek Maj 10
3 little M shyz 5
7 klsghlwqiubg metabolit bromheksyny 0
1 Radio RTM cactoos 0
8 data_sporzadzenia_ulotki ingarden 0
2 The Power cactoos 0
9 lameria traymuss 0
4 slow traymuss 0
5 GIGoR moosh 0

Chiptune music

Entry pointnameauthorpoints
3 Borntro_mix shyz 23
2 day and night skuter 14
4 eye of the tigress!? shyz 11
5 lavaza traymuss 10
6 lavaza traymuss 8
1 loneliness skuter 6

Multichannel music

Entry pointnameauthorpoints
1 Realize the truth AceMan 42
6 Mission rock traymuss 40
4 wizard ark 38
2 Agent 08 traymuss 31
8 sour field spock 25
5 intoxication spock 13
7 Fractal Illussions Czarek Maj 11
3 open your eyes! shyz 6

Stream music

Entry pointnameauthorpoints
1 narcolepsia seabrush 39
4 Synapse traymuss 36
9 electricity hypnos 35
7 10 moosh 28
2 kupa alkor 28
5 next phase qcoe 25
3 ChooseScene(provoke-mix) Kopernik 21
6 A.to.mi.styka I Veeroos 18
8 Space odyssey OSTINATO 13
10 supernova grass 7

24bpp gfx

Entry pointnameauthorpoints
11 smoki ananke 62
4 Czkawka Diodak 47
12 chwila prawdy ananke 46
7 monster slizgi 41
1 Hunting Weedlog 28
5 gold autumn diodak 25
9 morgonia mnemon 20
6 crufi etak 10
2 Indios Bravos Mantraz 9
3 Welcome into my brain cactoos 8
8 Ninja Gir Maziak 3
10 marsjanski rekonesans mnemon 2

8bpp gfx

Entry pointnameauthorpoints
1 springirl Mantraz 30

Image processing gfx

Entry pointnameauthorpoints
3 react sagat 75
1 digital kingdom arux 66
2 exit ananke 37

Intro 256b

Entry pointnameauthorpoints
1 HypnoDelic Grenhald 20

Intro 64kB

Entry pointnameauthorpoints
1 ORION-22 (The Retrocketro) S.T.F.U. 25

16 sec demo

Entry pointnameauthorpoints
5 exhaust asmCode, Biter, Traymuss 69
3 Water Biscuit Diodak^Traymuss^ChrisDragan 41
4 .red.pill.01 .snw. / m00sh / neotix 40
6 7 ultimaa 37
2 torus vorg & ninja 18
1 aSEoTiE masterm, wie8, qrt, marduk, jammer 15

Abstract org team serdecznie dziekuje za zaangazowanie, wystawione prace, glosowanie...
w glosowaniu udzial wzielo 29 na 159 osob co daje frekwencje 18.24%